Public Access Television Station holds Open House to reach out to their community
Bridgewater Television is rapidly approaching its 25th year as an active community access station, and has been providing the community with truly high quality programming accompanied by coverage of town meetings, religious services, local sports, politics, school events, and more. Over 90% of BTV programming is produced by dedicated volunteers, but Station Manager Jeff Fowler is concerned that many town residents may not be aware of the opportunities that exist in the state of the art facility on 80 Spring Street. As a result, the BTV team is planning a night to show case all of what BTV has to offer.
On April 26 starting at 7:00 pm BTV will be hosting itâs first ever open house. The hope of the station is that community members will get a chance to see first hand all of the technology and resources that are offered and available to the community, which are supported directly by Comcast subscribers who live in Bridgewater.
The event will include a personalized tour of the studio and production truck. Community members will enjoy interactive activities, including a chance to videotape themselves on the news desk, in front of the green screen, and on the sports set. Producers will also be on hand to provide info to prospective volunteers and interns.
This is sure to be a fun filled and informative night for both the BTV staff and members of the community alike. If you would like a chance to get in on the action you can join the BTV team at 80 Spring Street, Bridgewater MA on April 26 from 7-9pm . For more information on this event you may contact Jeff Fowler at 508-697-1833 or email him at
Vacancies on Town Boards & Committees
The Citizens Advisory Committee was created by the Charter under Section 4-3, Power of Appointment Subsection (b) that states in part, ãThe town manager shall form a citizenâs advisory committee to help in evaluating and selecting those individuals for appointment. The number and terms of office of the committee shall be established by ordinance.ä
Mission Statement: The mission of the Citizensâ Advisory Panel is to assist the Town Manager during the recruitment, selection and appointment process of all Bridgewaterâs appointed boards, committees, and commissions that the town manager is responsible for appointing.
In fulfilling its mission, the panel will along with other tasks:
Publicize vacancies
Review candidates applications, profiles/resumes
Interview candidates
Provide recommendations to the Town Manager
Recommendations will be based on the qualifications of those who apply and mission of the entity they are applying for an appointment to. All vacancies will be publicized as they occur. Individuals appointed may not serve for more then four consecutive terms.
Current vacancies include:
Citizens Advisory Committee
Zoning Board of Appeals
Board of Assessors
Energy/Master Plan Committee
Historical Commission
Water/Sewer Commission
We are always looking for interested citizens to serve!
Other committees include:
Planning Board
Board of Health
Conservation Commission
Historic Districts Commission
Golf Commission
Recreation Commission
Senior Center Trustees
Council on Aging
Veteransâ Council
Volunteer today and be part of the solution. The application for volunteer positions is available at Applications can be sent to the attention of the Town Manager at 66 Central Square, Bridgewater, MA 02324 or to
Roderick Walsh, Director of Veterans' Services for the Town of Bridgewater
In 1924, a grateful Congress voted to give a bonus to World War I veterans - $1.25 for each day served overseas, $1.00 for each day served in the States. The catch was that payment would not be made until 1945. However, by 1932 the nation had slipped into the dark days of the Depression and the unemployed veterans wanted their money immediately.
In May of that year, some 15,000 veterans, many unemployed and destitute, descended on Washington, D.C. to demand immediate payment of their bonus. They proclaimed themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force but the public dubbed them the "Bonus Army." Raising ramshackle camps at various places around the city, they waited.
The veterans made their largest camp at Anacostia Flats across the river from the Capitol. Approximately 10,000 veterans, women and children lived in the shelters built from materials dragged out of a junk pile nearby - old lumber, packing boxes and scrap tin covered with roofs of thatched straw.
June 17 was described by a local newspaper as "the tensest day in the capital since the war." The Senate was voting on the bill already passed by the House to immediately give the vets their bonus money. By dusk, 10,000 marchers crowded the Capitol grounds expectantly awaiting the outcome. Walter Waters, leader of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, appeared with bad news. The Senate had defeated the bill by a vote of 62 to 18. The crowd reacted with stunned silence. "Sing America and go back to your billets" he commanded, and they did. A silent "Death March" began in front of the Capitol and lasted until July 17, when Congress adjourned.
A month later, on July 28, Attorney General Mitchell ordered the evacuation of the veterans from all government property, Entrusted with the job, the Washington police met with resistance, shots were fired and two marchers killed. Learning of the shooting at lunch, President Hoover ordered the army to clear out the veterans. Infantry and cavalry supported by six tanks were dispatched with Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur in command. Major Dwight D. Eisenhower served as his liaison with Washington police and Major George Patton led the cavalry.
By 4:45 P.M. the troops were massed on Pennsylvania Ave. below the Capitol. Thousands of Civil Service employees spilled out of work and lined the streets to watch. The veterans, assuming the military display was in their honor, cheered. Suddenly Patton's troopers turned and charged. "Shame, Shame" the spectators cried. Soldiers with fixed bayonets followed, hurling tear gas into the crowd.
By nightfall the BEF had retreated across the Anacostia River where Hoover ordered MacArthur to stop. Ignoring the command, the general led his infantry to the main camp. By early morning the 10,000 inhabitants were routed and the camp in flames. Two babies died and nearby hospitals overwhelmed with casualties. Eisenhower later wrote, "the whole scene was pitiful. The veterans were ragged, ill-fed, and felt themselves badly abused. To suddenly see the whole encampment going up in flames just added to the pity."
Director of Veteransâ Services
Wear Your Town
Wear Your Town raised over $200.00 for the George Mitchell Elementary School Parent Association. Thanks to everyone who helped support this cause.
Wear Your Town is also pleased to announce that new items are on display at the Bridgewater Public Library! There are now backpacks, embroidered hats, and hoodies for 02324. Items will be in stock soon! Wear Your Town donates 25% of sales at this location to the Friends of Bridgewater Public Library.
BSU is hosting a qualifying tournament for the FIRST (For Recognition of Science and Technology) Tech Challenge, Twenty high school robotics teams will compete for a chance to be in the State competition to be held in March. We are seeking volunÐteers from BSU and the Bridgewater community to help with activities.
Please email Lynne Augenti at if you are interested and she will send you a volunteer sign up sheet. Visit: for more information about this competition.